Dear Wolf Creek Local Schools Community, Over the course of the last 24 hours, school districts across Ohio have received email threats that state and local law enforcement have determined not credible. Wolf Creek Local School District has not received any of the emails. However, Brody and SRO Deputy Harlow have checked both of our buildings today. We will continue to monitor this situation and work with the Washington County Sheriff’s office. Sincerely, Douglas A. Baldwin, Superintendent Wolf Creek Local Schools
about 1 year ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
We want to wish everyone in our Wildcat Family a Happy Thanksgiving Break! Students are off from Wednesday, November 22nd through Monday, November 27th. We will see you again on the 28th!
about 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
Waterford High School Marching Band still has chicken dinners available.
over 1 year ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Wildcat Pride Marching Band chicken BBQ begins at 5 pm Drive thru only $15 1/2 chicken ,Baked Potato, Green Beans, Roll and Apple Dumpling,
over 1 year ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Good afternoon Wildcat Family! You are invited to our our annual WES State of Literacy Presentation tomorrow, September 19th from 4 pm to 5 pm in the WES Library. We will go over: 1.) Achievement and Growth highlights in ELA for the 22-23 school year, 2.) Updates to the State Dyslexia requirements, and, 3.) Decide our meeting dates for the rest of the school year. We are looking forward to some great conversations. See you there!
over 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
Waterford Elementary - OH 💚✏️🎨📓💚 With your help, we have the opportunity to win a $250 grant to support the growth of our STEAM Learning environment for our Wildcat Students 🛰️ In the comments of the post linked below, find Mrs. Duskey's photo (7th down) from today's Grants 4 Schools Network Conference and hit "Like" 👍 The most likes wins!🎉🪩
over 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
2023 Roger French Memorial Scholarship Golf Scrable
over 1 year ago, Mitch Buchman
Our local Lions Club is having a Pancake Scholarship Breakfast on Saturday, 9/9 from 8:00 am - 10:30 am before the Fort Frye Cross Country Invitational to raise money for the Lions Club scholarship fund for Waterford HS & FFHS students. The breakfast will be held in the Waterford Township Community Building behind Rock Box. All are invited. Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
Lions Club PSB pic
Reminder today is an early dismissal for students. Students will be dismissed 2 hours early
over 1 year ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Hello, We wanted everyone to know the Boys and Girls club will be closed on Thursday, August 31st and Friday September 1st. We hope everyone knows where they are going after school on those days and wish you all a great Labor Day weekend! Thank you, WES Administration
over 1 year ago, William Britton
Looking forward to seeing our students' artwork at the Waterford World Fair! Thank you Mrs. Hysell-Strauss for always making sure our students' creativity is honored.
over 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
Our Wildcat Band is gearing up for their first halftime show on August 17th. Great job at band camp and bringing back marching! We are proud of you.
over 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
Director Leach Leading
Band pic #2
Director Riser Leading
Dear Wildcats, We are excited to be expanding our Junior High Mentoring Program with Building Bridges to Careers for the 23-24 school year. If you know anyone interested in being a Mentor, please share this Waterford JH Mentor Interest Form link with them: Thank you for your support! Blessings, Brad Lanier WES Principal
over 1 year ago, Brad Lanier
WJH Mentor Interest Form
We are happy to announce that we will once again be teaming up with Zac Grossenbacher from the Elite Sports Center to host a basketball camp! Zac is also the owner of Beyond 94 Performance Training. This years camp will be June 19-22nd at Waterford High School from 6:30pm-8pm. Due to limited gym availability we have had to move the camp up. The camp fee will be $10 per day. If your daughter played last season for Waterford Pee Wee Basketball she will attend for free. This is always an amazing camp to get the girls ready to start their season! Incoming 3rd grade through 6th grade. SIGNUPS FOR THE UPCOMING SEASON WILL BE JUNE 21 & 22nd stop in anytime while the girls are at camp!
over 1 year ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Parents/Students - Reminder last day of school is Thursday 05/25 with an early dismissal of 1:00 pm. Please take care of all student fees and lunch accounts before summer break. HS Seniors - graduation practice is tomorrow (05/24) at 1:00 pm. Please have all fees and lunch balances paid before practice. If you have calculators, Chromebook, chargers, library books, etc; those need turned in before practice.
over 1 year ago, Rachel Miller
WES's Relay for a Cure Fundraiser is this coming Wednesday, May 10th. Please see the attached flyer for more information. The Dress-up Day schedule is below: May 4th- Hawaiian Day May 5th- Celebrity Day- Dress like your favorite celebrity May 8th- Switch Day- Students dress like Teachers and Teachers dress like Students May 9th- Aged Day - PK-2 dress like senior citizens, 3-5 dress like teenagers, 6-8 dress like babies May 10th- Relay Day - Wear your Relay for a Cure shirt!
almost 2 years ago, Brad Lanier
Relay for a Cure Flyer 2023
Good morning Wildcat family! This is a reminder we have our final District Literacy Committee meeting of the year tomorrow in the WES library from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm. We will be discussing Emily Hanford's Sold a Story, the battle of Whole Language vs. the Science of Reading.
almost 2 years ago, Brad Lanier
The fire alarm was set of by a malfunctioning sensor. The building was evacuated, inspected and cleared by the Fire department. Students have returned to normal activities.
almost 2 years ago, Douglas A. Baldwin
Good afternoon Wildcat Family! This is a reminder that ELA state testing starts tomorrow @ WES. Also, our latest edition of Wildcat Connection is now available by clicking here:
almost 2 years ago, Brad Lanier
Wildcat Connection #7 2023
Second Request - Parents - We need some assistance in collecting data to report to the state on student internet connectivity. Please complete the short survey to indicate how your student accesses the internet. This can assist in future funding as well as provide important data to the region on the status of internet options. Thank you to those who have already completed this survey.
almost 2 years ago, Suellen Coleman