Community Feedback Needed:
Wolf Creek Local Schools is in the process of selecting a new superintendent and we need your input!
Please take a moment to provide your feedback using the link:
Your voice matters—thank you for participating!

Help shape our school's future.
We value your input! Wolf Creek Local is conducting a survey to gather feedback from our community members. Your insights will help us improve our programs, services, and overall school environment.
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey by February 14th. Your responses will remain confidential, and your feedback will directly contribute to the growth and success of our school.
Thank you for being a valued member of our community. We appreciate your time and support!

12/17- Wolf Creek Local is now closed due to a water main break. The CC bus will not run from the HS.

12/17- Wolf Creek Local Schools will be on a 2 hour delay today due to water issues at the schools. There will be no class meetings at the HS today.

Good evening, Wildcat family! We want to give a shout-out to our band and choir students and teachers for a great concert this week! We are proud of you.

The Wolf Creek Local Board of Education has asked Mr. Doug Baldwin to step down as Superintendent and placed him on administrative leave for reasons that are not being disclosed. Mr. Bob Caldwell, former Superintendent, was placed into the position as interim for the remainder of the school year.

Congratulations to our OSLN Sticker Design Winners and Finalists! Way to go Kady Sheets (8th), Carlie Stone (7th), Lily Jones (5th), Brooke Branham (5th), El Arthur (5th), London Spung (5th), and Jadyn Lee (5th)! We are so proud of you. #WErSTEM

Good evening, Wildcat family! This is a reminder that tomorrow is an early dismissal day - 12:50 pm @ WES and 1:00 pm @ WHS.

Just a Reminder that Thanksgiving Break starts today with a 2 hour Early Dismissal. The Elementary will dismiss at 12:50 and the High School will dismiss at 1:00. Classes will resume on Tuesday December 3rd. Wednesday December 4th will be an Early Dismissal as well.

Good morning! Here at WCLS, we are very thankful for our Wildcat family. Thanksgiving Break starts this coming Wednesday afternoon @ 12:50 pm. We hope each of you enjoys your time with family and friends!

Reminder - There will be no school for students tomorrow. All staff will be participating in a Countywide Professional Development Day. There will also be no school on Monday November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day.

Good morning, Wildcat family! Our annual WES Veterans' Day Program will be this Thursday, November 7th @ 1:15 pm in the Cooper. The community is welcome to come and join our students in honoring our veterans' service. Doors open @ 12:45 pm.

Good afternoon, Wildcat family! Please check-out the latest edition of the Wildcat Connection by following the link:

Good morning, Wildcat family! This is a reminder that there is not a 2-hour early dismissal today. The next early dismissal will be on November 27th.

Just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Thursday (9/26) and Friday (9/27) . Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday 2:00-8:00. Please contact the school to schedule a conference.

Message from Officer Harlow in regards to the recent threat posts that are being made on social media:
At this time, there has been no known threat made referencing Wolf Creek Local Schools or any other school district in Washington County. I believe the social media post referenced in the original email is the one for Buckeye Local.
I, as well as other members of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, are monitoring this situation closely. If anything is located or brought to our attention that references our district or surrounding districts, I will notify you all immediately.

Just a reminder that tomorrow- September 4th- is a scheduled early dismissal day. The Elementary will dismiss at 12:50 and the High School will follow.

Happy Labor Day, Wildcat family! At the end of this week, we have a great opportunity to support our local students @ the Lions' Pancake Scholarship Breakfast on September 7th from 8 am to 11 am at the Beverly Methodist Church. All proceeds go to the annual scholarship fund for Waterford and Fort Frye graduates. We hope to see you there!

We are excited to welcome our students back on Wednesday August 21st. Unfortunately due to some concerns with our High School restroom renovations Waterford High School students will not return until Monday August 26th. Waterford Elementary students will start as planned on Wednesday August 21st.

Parents - Be on the Look-out for an email invite to the new "Stopfinder" app. This app will allow you see your student's transportation schedule and sign up for alerts. You can see us at the fair for more information.